The Economics of Markets

These are the slides for my PhD micro course, formerly known as General Equilibrium.

The exams with solutions are available here.

A. The Matching Paradigm

  • Nontransferable Utility
    • Stability and the Gale-Shapley Deferred Acceptance Algorithm
  • Transferable Utility
    • Becker’s Conditions for Assortative Matching 
    • Monge-Kantorovich Transportation Problem and Shapley-Shubik Assignment Problem
    • Double Auctions

B. Partial Equilibrium

C. General Equilibrium

  • … in an Exchange Economy
    • Edgeworth box analysis: Welfare theorems, market power
    • Tatonnement stability; Samuelson’s Correspondence Principle
    • Uniqueness via strategic complements
  • With production: The Arrow – Debreu Existence Theorem
  • Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium: Time and Uncertainty 
    • Contingent commodities, Spot markets, forward contracts and option
    • Risk Sharing: Idiosyncratic vs. Aggregate Risk
    • The Informational Content of Prices: Rational Expectations Equilibrium

D. Spatial Competition: Markets for Similar Goods

  • Hotelling Location Model
  • Chamberlin’s Monopolistic competition
  • Rosen’s Hedonic Pricing

E. Implicit Markets

  • Probabilities as Prices (College Rejection Rates, Lotteries)
  • Hassle as a Price (the COVID Testing Market)